About Lying

If beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, lying lies in eye of the peddler.

Lying is sharing that causes others to hold a false belief.

Lying is everywhere and there is nowhere where there is more lying than on social media cesspools like the Internet, television, and radio where those who lie are veiled in anonymity, celebrity, or disguise and what is written, said, or read is insulated and unchallenged. Like in politics, there is no lie detector on the Internet, television, or radio. Of course, there should be, but since the government actively participates in the lying, it has no interest or power in controlling it. To those who will lie, the Internet, television, and radio provide a license to lie and this is how it works: Spew anything with intent to get headlines, likes, and clicks or sales and only correct mistakes, beg forgiveness, or show contrition if somebody points out the manufactured false belief; but, of course, it is often too late then for correction.

And what is it with all these advertisements, except those at the beginning for antidepressants, where everybody is plastically smiling with pure white teeth and/or wildly dancing in a silly show of delirium, bliss, and wonderfulness? Are their lives so awesomely perfect? Will my life change if I follow their lead? Or are they just lying for dollars?