Breaking News

When did we hit the point where anybody with a pointless POV can get in front of people and have what they are saying viewed as something that matters? Just because their lips are moving doesn’t mean what they are saying matters. Just because it is posted and people “like” it doesn’t mean it matters. Just because it is called “Breaking News” doesn’t mean it matters because most of it is more about innuendo, bias, and stuff people say than about proof or justice but it is the American way. Here’s some daily spew, thoughts, and wondering.


Target offers free order pickup and free drive-up.

Starbucks offers free order pickup, free drive-up, and free drive-thru.

Food served to customers at most fast-food restaurant chains does not match ads or menu boards.

Creating Alarm

Baby Formula Shortage Getting Worse

Tripledemic May Be Problem Over The Holidays

Girl Bit By Copperhead In Her Own Garage

Man Stumbles In His Own Driveway

Invasive Symptoms and Infections May Be On The Rise

Maybe/Maybe Not

We could see gas prices drop.

My son has not made money from this, that, or the other thing you are talking about.

President could be releasing Tamiflu from national stockpile.

FDA ban on menthol cigarettes could save 640,000 lives over next 40 years. It could be a year or two before it goes into effect.

…uncalculable pandemic learning loss…

…he is determined to consider…

Finishing Last

…in the next 150 years, Iceland will be without ice and it will be known as Withouticelandia…

…an athlete making millions playing a game, should not be allowed to promote anything during it…


…when there is no moving on from some things…

…when a million tests a day and a 10% false positive rate, represent 100,000 “new” cases and nobody cries foul…

…when a man went mad at Starbucks today listening to some yearn for life partners as “best friends” and others wanting their sons and daughters to think of them as “best friends…”

…when your job depends on the competitive analysis on Depends or Fruit Snacks…

…when “free” test kits became available when the crisis was over and when they were not needed…

…when an excessively paid network talking head claims “breaking news” that gas prices are the highest they have been in eight years and shares no explanation for it or advice on what to do about it…

…when you strive for the accomplishment of being the first to announce some guy’s retirement…

…when you stumble over friends to be the first person to announce some guy’s retirement…

…when news reporting becomes new reading and there is no talent in either to justify more than minimum wage…

…when a doctor commenting on “finding baby formula during a shortage” is on the evening news…

…when your career as a world-class athlete or two-bit comedian transitions to oblivion through a talentless acting stint as a pitch-player for sandwiches, pizzas, and feminine hygiene products…

…when your job as a reporter is so boring and unfulfilling that you resort to predicting, lampooning, and creating other mindless narrative for stuff that is or has happened…

…when President claims major victory when Vice President broke a 50/50 Senate vote outcome on Inflation Reduction Act…[1]Why waste time with all the bull$#*T and voting?

…when “The Anchor for America” can be seen as what is holding the country back rather than as what is guiding it forward…

…when networks promote a “new way” to get the news when they are fully responsible for the old way…

…when we are faced with an Easter egg price hike after all we have been through…

…when your insatiable appetite for clicks, views, and look at me results in hawking medications you don’t and would never need, products you don’t and would never use, or foods you don’t and would never eat…

…when a guy killed himself after watching part of an episode of “The Courtship…?”[2]What the bloody hell, that’s intense.

…when almost anything passes as good if there is enough shouting about it…


…reporter interviewing a child after an elementary school shooting…

…news anchor and reporter talking as if either had something meaningful to say…

…reporter at Burbank airport bemoaning holiday travel problems…

Continuing Problems without Solutions

Education and the Failure to Teach Children to Read
Gun Violence and School Shootings
Politicians Ignorance
Population Growth
Natural Disasters
Chronic Disease
Social Media


…releasing heavily redacted affidavit that reveals “very little information…”

…using children and pet lovers and their pets in “real patient” advertisements…

…claiming that passage of a modest set of gun safety measures is the most significant action Congress has taken on gun control in nearly 30 years and that it is the sweet spot in addressing gun violence or making America safer, especially for kids in school…

…profiting from a new tribal casino by giving shares to politicians’ family members and high-profile political figures while backers were seeking federal approval for the project…

…using a university “sensory lab” to study whether taste testers were able to detect differences between “brand name products” and “generic store brands” without sharing that dozens of other universities rejected offer to do the “research…”


…is a simple answer so overlooked, like inventing a gun that looks real but cannot discharge real ammunition…

…is there any reason to ask a player if he is excited about the coming season…

P. S.

Your two-minute or less “inspiring America story” does nothing to counter the twenty-eight minutes or more of depressing “Breaking News” and flimflam depression and other remedy ads that do nothing but dampen, dishearten, and and deflate.


1 Why waste time with all the bull$#*T and voting?
2 What the bloody hell, that’s intense.