Stuff that Makes Me Sick

Almighty Corporate Cover Your Ass Messages

Please gamble responsibly.[1]Message on TV promotion for Internet gambling.
Please use responsibly.[2]Sign in gun store and pharmacy by “family planning” products.
Please drink responsibly.[3]Message on beer and liquor advertising.

Missing Messages

Please borrow responsibly.[4]Sign you will not see at your bank or online borrowing “opportunity.”
Please fart responsibly.[5]Sign that should be in every elevator.
Please screw responsibly.[6]Sign that should be in every store “family planning” aisle.


Nobody is doing you a favor letting you borrow money you can’t afford.
Nobody is doing you a favor letting you borrow money with “just $19 down.”
Nobody is doing you a favor giving you $100 for “free play” with your first online gambling deposit.

Bad Apps/Good Apps

Find Your Credit Score
Senator Tracker

Continuing Annoyances

Paying people a load of money to act all this and that like they deserve it, which they don’t.
Using washed up actors and athletes to pitch products they don’t and never will use.
Paying people who don’t look like me to pitch products.

Ads that Fail

Streaming tons of stuff nobody wants to watch.
Promoting tons of stuff nobody wants to buy.
Selling nothing anybody wants to buy.

Meaningless Numbers

Last season’s concussions were lowest number ever.

Useless as Tits on a Bull

Weather Predicting[7]Nobody Knows
Weather Reporting[8]Nobody Needs

Listen To Me That Makes No Sense

…not paying teachers will deprive our children on the best education they can get…
…using scented candles will release millions of toxic particles in your home…
…telling stories about the risks of drugs will solve the drug problem in America…

Unsettling on Many Levels

Breaking News: The  Syphilis Tsunami


1 Message on TV promotion for Internet gambling.
2 Sign in gun store and pharmacy by “family planning” products.
3 Message on beer and liquor advertising.
4 Sign you will not see at your bank or online borrowing “opportunity.”
5 Sign that should be in every elevator.
6 Sign that should be in every store “family planning” aisle.
7 Nobody Knows
8 Nobody Needs